Usage reports in LIGR

In this article, you'll learn how to view the usage details of the services used in your account.

Chris Edwards avatar
Written by Chris Edwards
Updated over a week ago

This feature lets users view a detailed breakdown of their streaming and production link usage directly within their LIGR account.

How to view your usage within LIGR:

  • Hover on the Profile icon located in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  • Select Usage.

  • The Usage page looks like the below image.

The user can filter the search by a defined date range from the drop down menu.

A specific date range.

By a particular match.

Or finally, by using the filter to search by Competition and/or Teams.

On the Usage page, you'll find the following options::

  1. Match - Who was playing who.

  2. When - The date on which the match took place.

  3. Stream Time - How long the stream was in use for, if applicable.

  4. Graphic Time - How long the Production Link was in use for.

  5. Region - The region that you're streaming from, if applicable.

  6. Resolution - Either 720 or 1080. Only applicable if streaming.

  7. Highlights - The amount of highlights clipped for that particular match if using the Graphics + Streaming + Highlights or Graphics + Brands + Highlights + Streaming features.

  8. Type - The type of LIGR feature that was in use during the fixture.

  9. Destinations - Where your match was streamed to, if applicable.

The 3 ellipsis at the end of each line allows the user to see the Settings that were used from the completed match, access the Review page and the LiveScore App.

After selecting their filters, users can download a CSV file of their relevant selection, if they desire, by simply clicking the Download CSV button. The file will begin downloading immediately and will be saved locally on the user's machine for easy access.

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