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Matches table explained
Matches table explained

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the matches table within LIGR.

Chris Edwards avatar
Written by Chris Edwards
Updated over 9 months ago

The Matches Table feature in LIGR enables users to easily perform bulk actions on multiple or individual matches. With this functionality, you can efficiently finish or cancel matches, switch LiveScorers, start and stop streaming, and more.

To access this feature, click on Matches in the left-hand navigation bar. This will take you to a page where you can view and manage all your matches in one convenient location.

Upon reaching the matches table, you will be presented with a list of all upcoming matches.

Bulk actions for Matches

The Matches Table feature in LIGR allows users to efficiently execute actions on one or more matches. To select all matches on the current page, simply click the square in the title bar, highlighting all matches automatically. For selecting specific matches, check the boxes next to each relevant match. All matches are selected in the image below, highlighted by the green box.

After selecting all the matches, two options will appear, allowing you to manage the selected matches efficiently. These options are indicated by the green rectangle in the image below, and include:

  • Cancel Match

  • Change LiveScorer

Bulk actions for Streams

To select all streams on the current page, click the square in the title bar, which will highlight all matches set up to stream. To select specific streams, check the boxes next to each relevant match. In the image below, all streams are selected and highlighted by the orange box.

After selecting all the matches that are streaming, two options will appear, allowing you to manage the selected streams efficiently. These options are indicated by the orange rectangle in the image below, and include:

  • Toggle Auto Stream

  • Start Stream

Bulk actions for Overlays

To select all graphics overlays on the current page, click the square in the title bar to highlight all matches set up with a graphic overlay. To select specific overlays for particular matches, check the boxes next to each relevant match. In the image below, all match overlays are selected and highlighted by the blue box.

After selecting the matches with graphics overlays, four management options will appear, indicated by the blue rectangle in the image below. These options allow you to:

  • Toggle Ads

  • Toggle Auto Graphics

  • Add a Graphics Delay if necessary

  • Refresh Overlays

Users can click the dropdown arrow next to a desired match to view its assignments, such as multiple streams or overlays. Simply click the arrow to access this information.

Individual actions

From there, you can tailor specific actions for a particular match, whether adjusting stream or overlay settings. In the image below, Stream 2 is selected, presenting customisable options for that specific match when the stream only is selected for the particular match.

Clicking the ellipsis to the right of a selected match allows users to modify any settings related to the stream or overlay, if applicable.

Additionally, clicking on the desired match opens a scrollable window on the right side of the page, where settings can be configured.

The image below highlights an individual overlay selected out of three associated with a particular match. This specific overlay can be customised separately from the others assigned to the same match.

Status checking

Hovering over any of the columns will provide you with the status updates, and they change colour depending on their status. You'll quickly see whether your stream has started, if your production overlay is in use, if your inputs are active and receiving a feed, and if the stream is reaching its final destination, if applicable.

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