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How to individually create a player
How to individually create a player

Effortlessly create each player for your team in LIGR.Live.

Chris Edwards avatar
Written by Chris Edwards
Updated over 9 months ago

Before getting started, you should make sure that you have the following information available for each player you are creating:

  • The players image

    • This should be 300 by 300 pixels in resolution or higher

    • Ideally the image of the player should already have a transparent background, if not you can use our background removal tool to easily remove the background from the players image.

  • The players full name

  • The players position

Dominick Bruce-ixw

Here is an example of a high-quality player image.

Optionally, you should also have available:

  • The players number

  • And, if the players position is different to what is available from the preselected options in LIGR.Live, you should have this position information available to enter into LIGR.Live.

To create a player:

  1. Navigate to Assets in the left hand side dashboard

  2. Select Players

  3. Click the red Create a Player button in the top right of the screen

  4. Complete the fields First Name and Last Name.

  5. Then, below these fields click Add Team

  6. (OPTIONAL) If the players actual name is different to what you would like to display on-screen, you can enter an on-screen variation of the name in GFX First Name and GFX Last Name

  7. From the Team dropdown, select the Team the player belongs to.

  8. Select the players Position from the Position dropdown

  9. (OPTIONAL) If the you'd rather have a different position name displayed on-screen from what has been select in the Position dropdown, simply fill in the Graphics Player Position field

  10. Give the player a number

  11. If you already know the player is going to be apart of the starting lineup you can toggle on starting and the player will be added to the default starting lineup for the team

  12. Upload the players image

  13. Click Create Player at the bottom of the screen

Tip: If the player belongs to multiple teams, you can repeat steps 5 to 11.

That is how you create each player individually in LIGR.Live. If you'd like to bulk import an entire squad of players, please see importing bulk players.

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