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How to create a club
Chris Edwards avatar
Written by Chris Edwards
Updated over a year ago

Before you start creating a club you need to create a Competition, see: Create a Competition

Image File Specifications

You will need to prepare a club logo which must be 300px by 300px, PNG file format image with a transparent background. Read more here.

Services such as Canva can be used to prepare your image assets for LIGR.


This article will cover step-by-step, how to create a club. If you want to know more about what a “Clubs” is and why it is important, see: What are Clubs & Teams?

  1. Navigate to Assets, in the left sidebar.

  2. Click Clubs & Teams.

  3. There are two ways to Create a Club,

    1. Manually or,

    2. if you have to create a number of Clubs, via Import.

Manually Create a Club

  1. Click on the red Create a Club or Team button.

  2. Select Create Club

  3. Give the Club a Name

Club Home Venue

  1. Select a Home Venue

    1. If there are no venues created see: Create a Venue

Club Names

Graphics Names are used in the overlay to represent the Club Name

  1. Full Name (35 Characters Max).

    1. e.g. North Coast United Football Club

  2. Medium Name (19 Characters Max) - most used name across graphics.

    1. e.g. North Coast United

  3. Short Name (4 Characters Max) is the letters shown in the score bug.

    1. e.g. NCU

Club Colors

The colors you choose for all assets in LIGR will directly affect how your graphics look. This is how LIGR personalizes our ready-made themes for your broadcast.

Club colors are the default colors used by all teams that sit underneath the club, unless specific team colors are set.

Primary Color
The Primary Color is used as a background color. The clubs logo and text will sit on top of this color.

You can simply pick any color or match the club colors via RGB, HSL or HEX.

Tip: There are many online programs where you can load your logo and select the color to give you the HEX equivalent. Here is one we know of

Primary Text Color
The Primary Text Color is color used for text that is displaying information related to the club, on-screen.

Secondary Colors'
Secondary Color and Secondary Text Color are used for a clash of club primary colors.

E.g. Team A and Team B both have very similar primary colors; LIGR automatically reverts the away team to use the secondary colors in the graphics theme.

Tip: Make your secondary colors the reverse of your primary colors.

Club Logo

The Club Logo is used for every team within that club. Unless a particular team has its own logo uploaded, that team will use that logo and not the club logo.

  1. Click to upload

  2. Select the logo from your computer

Tip: Once you have uploaded your logo you can REPLACE it by moving your mouse over the logo and selecting replace. You can also DOWNLOAD and REMOVE the logo.

Finishing Up

The last thing we need to do is click CREATE CLUB at the bottom of the screen.

Now that your club is created, you can now start adding TEAMS to your club. See: How to create a team?

Create Clubs via Import

You also have the option to import many clubs at once, via our IMPORT CLUB function.

While in Assets - Clubs & Teams, click Import Clubs

You will need to create an import file in Comma-separated values (CSV) format before you can import clubs.

The best way to create an import list is to download the sample file to understand the format required. Look for this message on the import page and click the red text.

Here are some other specifications we expect:

  • File extension must be .csv (e.g. file.csv)

  • Must be less than 10Mb.

  • The first row must contain the column names

  • Columns must be separated by commas

  • We require that dates be formatted in ISO8601 format (e.g. 2020-05-28T02:54:09+10:00)

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